Hawaii Amateur Radio
Emergency Service
Hawaii ARES - Statewide Exercises

The following Hawaii ARES exercises are scheduled state wide IN 2020:

2020 American Red Cross Communication Exercise

Results of the Saturday, May 30, 2020 ARES/ARC Exercise in Hawaii

  The May 30, 2020 National American Red Cross (ARC) exercise was a two-part exercise based on a cyber-attack.  
  The purpose of the exercise was to generate a “proof of concept” to show Red Cross Disaster Cycle Services 
  management what amateur radio can to for Red Cross in the absence of internet, cell, and commercial power 
  After discussions with the Hawaii American Red Cross and taking into account the hurricane season was about
  to begin on June 1, Hawaii decided to change Hawaii’s scenario to a hurricane evacuation shelter exercise 
  and only participate in Part A of the national exercise. Only two ARC messages would be sent to ARC Hawaii,
  the ARC-213 and the ARC Daily Shelter Report.  
  We had participants send the two messages to Hawaii ARC via Winlink with a cc to KHHO (for Honolulu and 
  Kauai counties) and cc to KH6FHI (for Maui and Hawaii counties).  Part B in the afternoon was completed 
  by KH7HO as the “Divisional Clearinghouse” and completed reports needed by the national ARC coordinators.  
  The following is the results of the exercise that began at 9 a.m. and ended at 12 noon HST. Individual 
  calls are followed by 213 and Shelter Report message counts, e.g. NH6HI (1,2) would mean one 213 and two 
  Shelter Report messages originated. Callsign with an * indicated messages sent by FLDIGI (total of 4).


    o	Participation from all four counties
    o	Total 68 participants (received completed messages with cc to KH7HO or KH6FHI)
    o	158 messages sent successfully; 8 messages failed
    o	79 ARC-213 messages sent successfully
    o	79 ARC Daily Shelter Report sent successfully

    By Counties

    Kauai:  7 participants; 6 – 213; 8 – Shelter Reports

        NH6HI	(1,1)	WH6BS	(0,1)	WH6TR	(1,1)	WH6GJL	(0,1)
        NH7YS	(2,2)	WH6TJ	(1,1)	WH6FZY	(1,1)		

    Honolulu:  34 participants; 32 – 213; 33- Shelter Reports

        AH0A	(1,1)	KH6DL	(1,1)	KH7HO	(2,1)	WH6EQU	(1,1)
        AH6IX	(1,1)	KH6DQ	(1,1)	NH6OM	(1,1)	WH6FLO	(0,1)
        AH6OO	(1,1)	KH6EN	(1,1)	NH6PY	(1,1)	WH6FPL	(1,1)
        AH6PR	(1,1)	KH6FV	(1,1)	NH6XL	(1,1)	WH6FVG	(0,1)
        AH6QO	(1,1)	KH6LT	(1,1)	NH7IT	(1,1)	WH6FXL	(1,1)
        AH7RF	(1,1)	KH6MOI	(1,1)	NH7J	(1,1)	WH6KM	(1,1)
        KA7APU	(1,1)	KH6OM	(2,1)	VE3SDU	(1,1)	WH7GG	(1,0)
        KG6CFC	(0,1)	KH6WG	(0,0)	WH6AIR	(1,1)		
        KH6CP	(1,1)	KH7C	(1,1)	WH6ECG	(1,1)		

    Maui:  1 participant – KH6HHG:  1 – 213; 0 – Shelter Report

        KH6HHG*	(1,0)

    Hawaii:  26 participants; 40 – 213; 39 – Shelter Report

        AH6AE	(1,1)	KH6CQ	(1,0)	KK6GM	(2,2)	WH6FYK	(4,3)
        AH6JA	(3,3)	KH6CZ	(1,1)	NH7UA*	(3,2)	WH6GGR	(1,1)
        AH6KO	(1,1)	KH6EKD	(3,3)	WH6DVH	(1,1)	WH7BR	(1,1)
        AH6RK	(4,4)	KH6RDO	(1,1)	WH6DVI	(2,2)	WH7TW	(1,1)
        K0BAD	(1,1)	KH6TD	(0,1)	WH6FQI	(2,1)	WH7WZ	(1,1)
        K7VE	(1,1)	KH6TOB	(1,1)	WH6FQQ	(1,1)		
        KF7DTU	(1,2)	KH7LM	(1,1)	WH6FSD	(2,2)		

    What went well
        - Hawaii county used the hub and spoke concept and incorporated CERT teams.
        - Hawaii’s exercise scenario was a hurricane evacuation shelter versus the Mainland’s cyber-attack which made 
          Hawaii’s scenario more meaningful with the hurricane season around the corner.  This exercise help build the 
          Hawaii ARC/ARES relationship and the foundation for shelter communications to ARC Hawaii HQ.
        - More participants involved in Winlink.
        - Newly licensed Hams participated.
        - Used Telnet, VARA FM, VARA HF, Packet and Pactor digital modes.
        - For a small state we had particularly good representation in the national exercise.
        - In Honolulu, several participants had trouble getting in some of the VARA FM gateways as well as HF gateways, 
          especially around 10 a.m.
        - On Hawaii similar problems reported with VARA FM gateways and on HF gateways.
        - Problem in Hawaii and nation wide in registering for the exercise and in understanding whether to register as 
          an individual or as a team member.
        - Wrong information was given by KH7HO on the survey website.  However, those who had registered for the exercise 
          were given the correct survey website to use after they completed sending their messages.
    What could be improved
        - Assign different frequencies to VARA FM gateways near each other to open access, i.e., Honolulu has five gateways 
          all with the same 145.070 frequency: similar with the gateways in Hilo.  This was the first time the gateways 
          were “stressed” in an exercise.
        - Look into peer to peer mode, using separate frequencies, for hub and spoke operations
        - Though the message content was not as important as sending a message to ARC for this exercise, participants still
          made mistakes in filling out the ARC-213 and the Daily Shelter Reports given the two samples on how to fill the 
          two reports for the exercise.
        - Some participants did not successfully send messages.  There were total of 8 failed messages.  More Winlink 
          exercises and training on Winlink will be needed.
    Overall summary
        - Overall, the exercise was successful with 69 participants and 158 messages sent.  Note there were participants 
          from spokes who sent their messages to a hub, but we may not have counted these messages (some participants sent 
          more than one ARC-213 and Daily Shelter Reports, especially from Hawaii and we may not have captured their call sign).
        - Received positive comments from the ARES District Emergency Coordinators about this exercise.
        - Demonstrated what Winlink can do as a means of amateur radio digital communications from simulated shelters to 
          ARC Hawaii.
        - More amateur radio operators were introduced to Winlink for the first time and for many, this was their first 
          experience participating in a Winlink exercise.  We hope to expand on this Winlink experience with additional 
          training and exercises at the district, county, and state level.
        - The experience from this exercise will help us plan for the Saturday, October 3, 2020 Simulated Emergency Test 
          (SET) that is in the planning stage for the State of Hawaii.

2020 Hawaii Simulated Emergency Test (SET)


 The Hawaii ARRL 2020 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) of a simulated  major disaster event affecting all islands in the 
 Hawaii chain will be conducted on Oct 3rd.  Amateur Radio will handle simulated priority
 traffic for Hawaii served agencies.  

 All Amateurs are invited to participate and requested to originate messages providing (1) Information about their 
 station status, (2) report of any simulated information about incidents affecting their local area (be creative to 
 report roads/bridges damaged, flooding, etc.), and (3) simulated requests for assistance.
 Hawaii SkyWarn, the HealthCom hospital net, County Civil Defense and state HI-EMA will be invited to participate. 
 Appropriate simulated messages should be addressed to each.